Flax Seed/Lin Seed

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New PP bags of 25 Kgs & 50 Kgs


Flax, commonly known as linseed or ALSI in hindi, is popular source of vegetarian Omega-3 fatty acids. Flax seed carries one of the biggest nutrient payloads on the planet. Additionally, flax seed is very low in carbohydrates, making it ideal for people who limit their intake of starches and sugars. And its combination of healthy fat and high fiber content make it a great food for weight loss and maintenance, many dieters have found that flax seed has been a key to keeping them feeling satisfied

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  • Flaxseeds are great source of fiber and work as a natural laxative. They are a great way to keep things regular.
  • Flaxseeds contain high levels of lignans. Lignans may protect against estrogen-dependents cancers such as breast cancer.
  • Flaxseeds have been shown to protect post-menopausal women from heart disease.
  • Flaxseed decreases insulin resistance and may protect against diabetes.